Immigration reform may die in the town hall


August is when Congress goes on a month long recess (I know it’ll be hard to tell because they’ve done so much this year) and many members hold town hall meetings.  These are a great opportunity for constituents to ask members questions and have an open dialogue about the future of our great country.


These are really opportunities for the local cranks to come and bitch at members of Congress about all sorts of stuff.  Want an example, check out this gem from 2009:

You can bet there are going to be many contentious town hall meetings.  Topic number one for bitching will be immigration reform. Look for many Republicans to feel the burn when the subject of immigration comes up.  If you need an example of what a mess these may be, just check out Johnny Mac taking a little heat from the folks on Arizona:

If/when the House members get an earful of that stuff you can bet they are not going to move on immigration reform anytime soon.



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